Selected recent publications
Süveges K., Vincze O., Löki V., Lovas-Kiss Á., Takács A., Fekete R., Tüdősné Budai J. & Molnár V. A. (2022): Native and alien poplar plantations are both important habitats for terrestrial orchids. – Preslia 94(3): 429–445.
Fekete R., Bak H., Vincze O., Süveges K. & Molnár V. A. (2022): Road traffic and landscape characteristics predict the occurrence of native halophytes on roadside verges. – Scientific Reports 12: 1298.
Molnár V. A., Löki V., Verbeeck M. & Süveges K. (2021): Orchids of Azerbaijani cemeteries. – Plants 10: 2779
Süveges K., Molnár V. A., Mesterházy A., Tüdősné Budai J. & Fekete R. (2021): Emergence of a new salt-tolerant alien grass along roadsides? Occurrence of Diplachne fusca subsp. fascicularis (Poaceae) in Hungary. – Acta Botanica Croatica 80 (2): 140–145.
Süveges K., Löki V., Lovas-Kiss Á., Ljubka T., Fekete R., Takács A., Vincze O., Lukács B. A. & Molnár V. A. (2019): From European priority species to characteristic apophyte: Epipactis tallosii (Orchidaceae). – Willdenowia 49(3): 401–409.
Kristóf Süveges
PhD, Assistant Research Fellow
✉ suveges.kristof@ecolres.hu
Research interests
I am a botanist with a mostly floristic approach, so I am mainly interested in plant species, their distribution and the underlying environmental variables.
My previous research has focused on the flora of various secondary habitats and the role of these habitats in the conservation of plant biodiversity, as well as their conservation biological potential. I have worked on the following secondary habitats: planted forests (poplar plantations), cemeteries, roadsides, olive groves. My PhD dissertation discusses the relationship between poplar plantations and the orchid species they harbor in the Pannonian Ecoregion.
I joined the research team in 2023 and became involved in plant ecological studies on burial mounds, which fits well into the list of secondary habitats. I would like to continue my research on the flora of gravel pits in Hungary.