Unforgettable research expedition in the Kyzyl-Kum desert, Uzbekistan
In early April, we took part in an unforgettable expedition to the Kyzyl-Kum desert in Uzbekistan. Five members of our research team (Balázs Deák, András Kelemen, Réka Kiss, Katalin Lukács, Orsolya Valkó), Csaba Tölgyesi and Zoltán Bátori from the University of Szeged, and Toshpulot Rajabov and Abdubakir Kushbokov from Samarkand State University (SamSu) participated in the expedition.
The aim of the expedition was to start a large-scale research programme related to Abdubakir's PhD research on the restoration of degraded semi-desert habitats. The research will investigate degradation and regeneration processes along actively used and abandoned watering wells along a grazing intensity gradient. A total of 480 cenological quadrats in 20 sampling areas were surveyed and a total of 480 bags of soil samples, nearly one and a half tons (!!!) were collected. All of this required and will require a lot of preparation, very intensive field work and a lot of post-processing. Currently, Abdubakir is in charge of the concentration of the one and a half tons of soil samples in the SamSu laboratory with the help of a lot of enthusiastic students. A fraction of the soil will be subjected to chemical analysis and root biomass analysis in Uzbekistan, and the seed fraction will be analysed in Hungary using soil seed bank analysis.
You can read a news about our expedition on the SamSU webpage: https://www.samdu.uz/en/news/53832
We had a very successful, enjoyable and memorable expedition in every respect :) Thank you very much to everyone who was with us on the expedition for all the hard work, organisation, dedication and great company. To the "mining team" for the very hard physical work, to the coenologists for their work, to our Uzbek colleagues for the super organisation and hospitality!
Below you will find some pictures of the unforgettable moments of the expedition :)